G664 Cheap Price Chinese Natural Granite For Exterior Flooring Tiles

This granite can rank the cheapest granite types. It is very common, but useful for interior and exterior flooring tiles, as well as kitchen counter top for some countries.

G664 Cheap Price Chinese Natural Granite For Exterior Flooring Tiles

Some Chinese granite types are really cheap, which are used not only domestically, but internationally. Natural granite is really universal for application in any areas. Especially for exterior floor tiles or lanscape stone products, natural granite always is the best option for outside engineering, because it comes from nature and can stand any weather conditions.

Normal size:
2400*1600mm; 2400*600mm;
15mm; 18mm; 20mm; 30mm;

We also help process natural granite into tiles with various surface finishings and into kitchen worktop according to your size requirements.

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