PR6423/10R-010 | EPRO | Power Module

PR6423/10R-010  pleace contact

EPRO  PR6423/10R-010  !!!  ---  

   Contact:  Jessica


                                Skype:     jessica01235483

                                Wechat:   hu18030235311

                                Mobile:   86-18030235311(WhatsApp)

The information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Electrical Inc. and/or Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. 

Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser

EPRO  PR6423/10R-010

PR 9350/02 | EPRO | High accuracy


Additional support is also available from our well-equipped Repair and Upgrade Service department. If you have questions regarding the repair or upgrade of OI product, contact your local distributor

EPRO PR6423/10R-040 CON021
EPRO PR6424/000-000  CON21
EPRO PR6424/000-030
EPRO PR6424/000-030 CON021
EPRO PR6424/000-040  CON21
EPRO PR6424/006-010
EPRO PR6424/006-030
EPRO PR6424/010-010 CON021
EPRO PR6424/012-000  
EPRO PR6424/012-010   
EPRO PR6426/000-030 CON021
EPRO PR6426/010-010 CON021
EPRO PR6426/010-030 CON021
EPRO PR9268/017-100
EPRO PR9268/201-000                                                                                         

Our company has many products in stock, which are immediately available. 

The warranty is 1 years which apply to all the new products. 

If you purchase one more parts from us, we can make a discount to you. 

If you have any question pls do not hesitate to contact us.

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Contact us for all information about the product

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