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Engineered Surfacing Material Quartzform Kitchen Surface Quartz Countertop

The yellow quartz design is similar to cambria type quartz color, with cambria quartz slab size. We normally manufacture quartz slab size 127''x63'' as jumbo size and 120''x56''. If you need customized slab size for project need, we also can try to help.

Quartz Surfacing Kitchen Worktop Calacatta Marble Design Quartz Jumbo slab

Today, we recommend new design of calacatta marble imitation quartz surfacing slab. Besides of white calacatta designs, we also manufacture grey and black calacatta quartz for your different choices. For calacatta quartz, you also can have book-match requirements without extra cost. And normally we only provide 18mm, 20mm and 30mm thickness for this design.

Nero Marquina Marble Design Quartz Slab Engineered Black Quartz Slab

Nero marquina is the popular name for one black marble. We also copy the design of this popular marble vein as Nero marquina quartz slab. If you like nero marquina as your kitchen countertop design with more stable stone materials like quartz. You can choose this quartz color design.

Black Quarz Slab Calacatta Design Engineered Quartz Countertop Jumbo Slab

We have many selections of calacatta white quartz slabs. By copying nero marquina, we here manufacture calacatta black quartz slab for kitchen counter top. Here are also various designs for your interest.

White Flower Design Black Quartz Slab Popular Engineered Stone for Benchtop

With white flower design on polished quartz surface, this black quartz slab gets popular for benchtop stone material. For similar designs, we have different choices for you, like nero marquina design with thin vein.

Marble Vein New Quartz Slabs Engineered Top Quartz Best Price Kitchen Top

This design combines two popular marble vein, Calacatta white and carrara white. The reason why it is so popular is the natural-looking veins. It is so natural that you can judge if it is natural stone or engineered stone. Please have a close look to enjoy its elegance.

Natural Marble Vein Imitation Engineered Quartz Countertop Slab 2cm Price

This is the new desing of imitation quartz slab from natural marble vein. It is like cool autumn wind with slight regular vein, which brings the natural to your kitchen surroundings.

Thin Grey Vein White Quartz Slab Calacatta Book Match Slabs for Kitchen Island Top

This Calacatta quartz slab has thin vein on white base color. The vein looks vague, but harmonious for whole slab. We also can manufacture book match 2 slabs, which you can use for bigger area design. The biggest quartz slab available now is 3200*1600mm or 127''x63''.

Brown Onyx Looking Engineered Quartz Slab Translucent Calacatta Design Countertop

Still with calacatta marble design, the brown calacatta quartz slab is translucent, which gives you more design ideas. Though it looks like soft onyx stone, it is actually a kind of quartz slab which is suitable for kitchen countertop.

Black Marble Vanity Top Black Sahara Marble Type Faux Quartz Countertop

Do you like black marble? In details, do you like black sahara noir marble slab? If yes, you would be glad to know that we could manufactuer quartz slabs with black sahara marble design. It looks very mysterious, but decorative for home improvement. Follow us for more details.


AF-WD-22 QUARTZ SLAB is an awesome quartz surface with a grey grained pattern. This is an exclusive and elegant natural marble look ideal for all your projects.


AF-WD-23 QUARTZ is a pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, crate a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet.


AF-WD-24 QUARTZ TILES have have a natural marble look, with an exquisite subtle grey light pattern, that will help you to create a luxury space.


BGR-2801 QUARTZ TILES have a natural marble look, that will help you to create a luxury space.


BGR-2802 QUARTZ TILES are pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, that creates a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet.


BGR-2803 QUARTZ TILES are made of pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, crate a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet.


BGR-2803 QUARTZ TILES is a pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, crate a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet.


BGR-2805 QUARTZ TILE are pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, crates a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet


BGR-2806 QUARTZ TILES is a pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, crate a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet.


BGR-2807 QUARTZ TILES is a pure and sand quartz with rich and smooth texture, crate a pleasant feeling of comfort and quiet.

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)

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